boundaries; crystals; energy

The Importance of Energetic Boundaries

boundaries; crystals; energy

So, everything is energy. Energy expresses itself in many forms. Some are positive and some are negative. Because of this, we must be very careful what type of energy we allow around us at all times. In order to do that, you must learn to distinguish between good and bad energy. Most importantly, your life will be influenced by the type of energy and people that you spend your time with most frequently. You attract more of what you are currently putting out to the Universe. The Universe does not care, it’s all the same to it.

If you want more negative energy, keep sending negative thoughts out to the world. If you want more abundance, express the energy of abundance and you will attract even more of it. If you want to grow and attract more to your life but your partner wants to stay stuck -you might want to evaluate that relationship to determine if it serves your highest good.  Likely, you will just be giving your good energy away and not getting much back in return. The same is true for friendships. Feeling drained by a person, whether it is family, your partner, a friend or boss is a huge indicator of incompatible energy.  Surround yourself with people that have genuine gratitude and appreciation for you. Surround yourself with good energy and watch your life amplify in the most magical way.

I could write an entire book about boundaries. Often, our boundaries are learned or modeled from our family of origin. In therapy, it is one of the most valuable conversations to have with clients. So often, we are unable to set healthy boundaries with others in our lives. This can cause huge distress to our minds, bodies and even our homes. The irony in having good positive energy is that everyone wants some. You will find yourself with those needing your energy in your life.

Recognizing this when it happens and being able to put self-love boundaries in place will change your life. You don’t have to cut them completely out of your life, although you can if you feel that is what is needed. But you can learn how to control how much of your time and energy you give these energy vampires. You can still love someone and limit their role in your life.

If you are an empath, meaning you feel and empathize with the energy or suffering of others – basically anyone who is a healer- your energetic boundary is naturally weaker than someone who is not an empath. Any type of trauma can weaken your energetic boundary making you more vulnerable to energetic invasion by others. Weak energetic boundaries lead to lack of self-love and self-care. This leads to increased sensitivity to EMF radiation, toxins, chemicals and an overall weaker immune system.  After getting Lyme Disease, I developed a severe sensitivity to mold, chemicals, even certain food ingredients. I had to learn how to set boundaries and heal myself before I could heal others.

Energy vampires are like heat seeking missiles for those with weak energetic boundaries. And, to be fair not all energy vampires realize what they are doing consciously. They are just trying to get their unmet needs met. Empaths often fall into this because of their desire to heal others. We think we can love the world and make them better. I say we because I too am an empath and I spent many hours wasted on energy vampires over the years. In therapy we usually see an energy vampire (borderline personality disorder, narcissist, or just plain attention needy) person in a relationship with a co- dependent personality type who has weak permeable boundaries. We just don’t discuss it in energetic terms but it is the same.

Identifying the energy vampire starts with reading the energy of others and listening to what you feel in your body when around them. Mind and body connection should always be developed and the stronger this is, the better you will become at recognizing vampires. They take energy from others to sustain their own needs and unplug when their needs have been met, regardless of your needs. These are the people that call you and talk about themselves for thirty minutes then say goodbye leaving you to wonder why you even answered the call. Sometimes, people are going through temporary situations and they really do need it to be all about them. This is okay as long as they acknowledge this to you.

Physical symptoms of being drained energetically include feeling depleted and exhausted all of the time. If you need a nap after seeing your mother-in-law- well you know what I ‘m going to say. Pain at the base of your head where it meets the neck is another tell tell sign. You might have bad dreams or be restless after being around an energy vampire. Once this happens enough, you will start to dread seeing or talking to them. You might even be resentful that you have to engage with them at all.

If you are an energetic empath, you must be so careful selecting what you give your attention to on a daily basis. You also need a home that supports you a hundred times more than the average person. Self-care is essential for you to thrive in life.  Grounding your energy daily, time in nature, clearing negative energy from your body and home, and releasing cords to toxic people are all things that you can do to set energetic boundaries. Taking time to recharge your energy is your responsibility and it is not selfish to do so. You will not be good for anyone else if you cannot be good for yourself my dear ones. It took me half of my life to learn this lesson.  But it is never too late to love yourself and protect your energy.

Simply put, a boundary is giving yourself permission to say no to someone else without guilt or shame. It means realizing that your needs are just as important as those of others in your life. It is saying yes when we want to and no when we do not want to, without sacrificing ourself for someone else. It is realizing that you are only responsible for your own emotions dear one, no one else’s. It’s just that simple.

Until next time,

What Message does your Inner Child have for You ?


The air was perfectly still and yet my heart was jumping with joy. I felt pure adrenaline flowing as I ran out the door of our house like a wild horse . I felt so free . Nothing mattered in that moment. It was  peace. It was magical and I was purely in that moment in a way only my five year old self could be. 

Wow, could my mom get this snow suit any tighter? I felt like Ralphie from a Christmas Story. But I didn’t care, the absolute bliss of our first snowfall called to my five year old heart and I answered. 

For that moment, it was just me and the fresh snow. I threw it up into the air and let it rain back on my face, tasting each snowflake with pure delight. This was my happy place and I was hardly aware of anyone else even being there. Later, I would look back on the picture my mother snapped and revel in the pure happiness in my smile that day. The world felt perfect. My world felt perfect. I have that picture in a frame in my office today to remind me to live like that little girl did.


I think sometimes we forget to call on our inner child .  She is still there and wants to be set free. What would she tell you to do if you allowed her to come out and play? 


Do you need a potent energetic reset ? Perhaps things have been far too serious and you just need to have some fun. The new moon is here to ask for a message from your inner child. New moons are all about calling in something new to you and this new moon in Sagittarius is asking you to call in your inner child.  

Here are the steps:

  1. What was your favorite thing to do as a child?
  2. Do you do enough of it now?
  3. Release the beliefs, fears and thought patterns that keep you from living this way .
  4. Go do something today just for you that would make that little girl smile and giggle.


Stay beautiful and feel alive.

Until next time,

How do you Know You’re an Empath?

You are an Empath

Do you get weird vibes around people sometimes but you are not sure why?

You are an empath. Today I was eating lunch at a restaurant I like to frequent and the waitress was as nice as she could be to us while at the restaurant. However, I could not get far enough away from this woman. She did absolutely nothing wrong but for some reason everything that she did annoyed me.

She seemed to come at exactly the wrong time over and over again. She took my glass to refill it  instead of bringing me a new glass. She made way too much small talk. Now, I was trying to have a business lunch with someone and focus on our conversation. That said, the reality is this woman was just doing her job and trying to be an excellent server.  So, why did this annoy me so?

I pondered on this and quickly realized that this was an energy thing . Her energy was overwhelming for me because I am such an empath. It was as though she unknowingly invaded my personal energy field and I was feeling this energetically but unsure why consciously  .

Survival as an Empath

This happens often and when you learn to tap into energy you will begin to recognize your own energetic boundaries. Empaths are much more sensitive to the energy of others they interact with , often absorbing the emotions of others. You must practice extra self compassion and self care to survive as an empath. Here is my empath checklist for survival:

  1. Practice extra self care.
  2. Learn to recognize when someone crosses your energetic boundaries.
  3. Clear your personal energy frequently, especially after an interaction with dirty energy in any form. See my blog on identifying dirty energy: The Importance of Energetic Boundaries.
  4. Clear the energy of your home often.
  5. Allow yourself time to unplug.
  6. Recognize burn out before it becomes critical. This can be counterintuitive. When you are your most busy is the exact time you need to take a time out to get a massage, take a hot bath or meditate. Read self compassion tips here:Self Compassion Tips.
  7. Remember that you cannot serve others if you are depleted and that is okay.
  8. Give yourself permission to say no without guilt.
  9. When you feel overwhelmed by what is going on in the world, refocus to something smaller that you can make better. Mindfulness can bring you back to the present moment. Read about it here:Can Mindfulness Change Your Life?
  10. Be willing to eliminate toxic people from your life. Noone is allowed to take your peace away and they must add more than they take from your life.

Stay amazing my fellow empaths.

Until next time,

How Can the Lunar Eclipse help you Find Peace ?

Are you looking for peace among the chaos?

The lunar eclipse in Taurus is here to help. You must first get real and ask yourself one question.

Where are you resisting change?

This is your invitation to break free. It’s an energetic push from the cosmos to move you forward in your evolution. You will be shown the path forward away from trauma, grief, fear and chaos.

Your only job is to listen and have faith in the potential to find a better situation. To do this, you have to be willing to let go of the parts of your life that are not working.

Fall in love with the unlimited possibilities of your life. You will be moving between an old version of yourself and a forever changed future version of yourself.

Trust your path and trust the power of this eclipse to propel you forward. Will it be fear of change or will you break free?

Your future self is calling.❤️

The energies of this lunar eclipse will be in place for six months. Here are some ways to harness its power for good.

1. Protect Your Energy – see my blog article on Energetic Boundaries

2. Clear the Energy of Your Home with Salt Burning, Singing Bowls, Smudging or Clapping

3. Unblock Your Energy with Yoga, Reiki, Chakra Work,Massage

4. Detoxify Your Body with Salt Baths, Glutathione, Infrared Sauna , Greens

5. Release Toxic Relationships and People

6. Get Grounded with Crystals -grab my free plant and crystal guide

7. Slow Down when you feel Overwhelmed

8. Stop Overthinking. Instead, get grounded and go into your body . Access your intuition.

Get weekly notes from me and stay updated on my Moon Manifesting Course coming very soon by signing up for my newsletter .

Until next time,

The Freedom of Saying Yes

Do you hold back when you want to say yes to an adventure or opportunity in your life?

My Story

I recently was asked to speak at a wellness convention in front of one hundred thousand people . This is not something I have done before and by nature I am a writer, not a speaker.

But this is part of what I want to do. In order to help  women live flourishing lives, I must find them first. So, I knew immediately I had to say yes.

The fear I had about this had to be met with courage .This work matters to my soul. It is a part of my growth. My darling, you too must say yes , especially to the things that scare you the most !

The Freedom in Saying Yes

Saying yes opens the gate to receiving what your soul really wants to manifest in life. When you say yes, the universe will respond. Period, without exception. This is the law.

When it does answer, you will feel a huge energy rush into your body and life. Your vibration will raise to new levels.

And, the scarier yes feels to you, the more likely that you need to say yes. The abundance on the other side is far above what you could ever imagine standing where you are now . Believe in yourself and your unlimited ability to manifest.

The Universal Law of Energy

You are energy. Everything is energy and physics governs energy. Therefore , the laws of the universe light the way to creating a life you love.

The one constant law of the Universe that no one can change ,even though you might try hard , is that everything transforms. Energy is meant to transform. Energy is meant to move around changing from one form to another . We are meant to transform and level up as we go through life .Change is needed.

Transformation is available to everyone regardless of your circumstances. But, you must say yes to it beautiful one !

Three Steps to Saying Yes

  1. You must trust. You may not always know what is on the other side of yes. This means you have to let go of the need to control the outcome. 
  2. Saying yes to the universe expresses confidence in yourself and your unlimited ability to manifest in life. 
  3. Courage is required to say yes. You must face your fears head on and look them in the eye like a badass. This is the only path to true growth and transformation.

The Universe has your back and so do I darling.

You’re doing great.

Until next time,

Do you have a Sacred Space?

Sacred Space
“Life on the island had an ease about it and you could feel it in each person you met there. The island embodied what home should feel like. It nurtured us, allowed us to revel in its beauty, it energized us with the warm sunshine when it needed and other times told us to be still. It knew love. It knew energy. It knew alchemy. I will never forget those lessons.” – Feng Shui Mind
When I lived on the island , my sacred space was a secret place of beauty that no one else knew about. It was perfection.
Do you Have a Spot ?
It is so important that you gift yourself this space. It can be in your home, in nature, or even a place you visit in your mind.
🌺It belongs to only you .
🌺You decompress here.
🌺You go on your inward journey here.
🌺You create here.
🌺You recharge here.
🌺You are safe here.
🌺You are calm here.
🌺You meet your future self here for guidance.
🌺This is your sacred space.
Remember to include whatever items are special to you here. Those can include mala beads, crystals, plants, personal photos, candles, a journal & pen and a favorite blanket.
Find your sacred space and visit it regularly.
You deserve this and you’re worth it❤️.
Until Next Time,

Do You Need a Big New Beginning?

Solar Eclipse Power

Monday is the solar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. Solar eclipses are a super charged new moon. This is a time where you can create powerful change in your life. Because this solar eclipse is both a new moon and an eclipse it gives you a double opportunity. New moons are about new beginnings. An eclipse has the energy of a full moon but it is a new moon. Stay with me here.

Those of you that follow me know that I encourage working with the moon cycles. Normally, I advise to set intentions at the new moon and release anything holding you back at the full moon each month. This solar eclipse will ask you to do both! You will need to be able to step away from frequencies that inhibit the manifestation of your highest intentions. At the same time, you will release habits, behaviors, emotions and people that no longer serve you.  The magic here is both releasing and simultaneously calling in the energy we need to replace what we are shifting. This is true alchemy . It gives you a powerful opportunity to transform like the Phoenix Rising .

What You Will Feel During the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

The veil between your conscious and subconscious mind will be very thin. This will allow you to explore your shadows, fears, and desires simultaneously. Scorpio is intense and not always gentle. The unknown will be revealed to you. The subconscious will come into the conscious mind. The change you need in your life to evolved spiritually will happen. Just remember, anything that occurs is ultimately for your highest good but growing can sometimes be uncomfortable. It pushes us outside of our comfort zone and can feel overwhelming. What is on the other side is well worth it darling .

How to Work with Solar Eclipse Energy

Most importantly, do not run away from the uncomfortable feelings. Sit with them and allow them to be. Just feel them instead. Through honesty with yourself, you will  transform fears that hold you back.

Five steps for the solar eclipse in Scorpio to Create a Big New Beginning:

1. Listen to your Intuition

2. Step into your Divine Feminine Power

3. Be Courageous in Facing your Fears

4. Get Grounded & Be Intentional, Calm and Clear ( Get the Crystal Guide Here )

5. Meet the Greater Version of Yourself on the Other Side

Remember, what starts tomorrow can take six months to manifest in your life. Look your fear in the eye and send it love at the same time , you freaking badass !

Think Big, Be Brave & Extra Kind to Yourself ❤️

Until next time,

Full Moon Manifesting : What is the Full Moon Asking you to Release?

Full Moon Manifesting : What is it?

Full moon manifesting is a powerful way to work with the lunar cycle each month. During the middle of each month ,we have a full moon in a different astrological sign. This month, it is in fiery Aries.  Working with the cycles of the moon and drawing on the moon’s strong feminine power will allow you to magnify your ability to manifest in your life. The full moon asks us to step into our feminine power and trust our intuition. It asks us to pay attention to dreams, signs and messages we encounter. It also asks us to tap into our feelings. But the Aries full moon says to  take it a step further- Take action.

What do you need to take action on in your life? More specifically, what do you need to release that doesn’t  serve you ? This is a magical time to release subconscious blocks or limiting beliefs from your life. Blocks stop your ability to manifest the life you truly want and they limit your personal power. In the book I am writing , Feng Shui Mind, I reveal how your home can actually be a big clue for you what fear blocks  may be in your life and in what areas of your life. So, be on the lookout for this in January of 2023.

The Full Moon in Aries: What to Do

With this upcoming full moon in Aries, you are going to step up and fight for your heart’s desire. Don’t hold back. There is a relationship focus and balance is very important , especially during  Libra season. Look at your relationships and ask one question.  Does this relationship or person give me energy ?Or , do they deplete my energy?  My Libra balance blog tells you exactly how to do this. Balance in Relationships .

Because Aries is a fiery sign, you might feel at the end of your limits or even volatile. This is okay.

  1. Step into your feelings and allow them.
  2. Acceptance
  3. Forgive if you need to
  4. Release what isn’t serving you
  5. Focus on New Possibilities

If you are feeling excessive energy during this time ,channel it into movement of any kind. Dance in your kitchen with a pet ( Yes, I secretly do this  haha). You can go for a walk in nature, sit near moving water, or go for  an amazing hike, run or bike ride during this time. The key is to use the energy for something positive.

Crystals for the Full Moon 

The crystals I have chosen for your full moon manifesting this month are opal, hematite, snowflake obsidian and black chalcedony. This video explains all of them : Crystals for the Aries Full Moon .

Until next time,

What Design Style Facilitates Self Compassion the Most?

Nothing goes together like Fall, Hygge home and self-compassion. If you read my blog a few weeks back, I wrote about self-compassion as the manifesting ingredient that may be missing in your life. It allows you to manifest what you want in your life in an amplified way. You can take your abundance from one to one hundred by loving yourself.

One of my most favorite design styles Hygge is rooted in Danish simplicity.  Hygge is a state of mind and a way of living. Think of curling up with a cup of tea and your favorite blanket to read a good book. This is hygge at its finest. It is all about comfort, simplicity, love and good food. The hygge life is a wonderful way to truly be present and mindful in your life with simple pleasures.

There’s a reason realtors suggest baking cookies before an open house—the familiar scent of a childhood home creates a cozy and welcoming environment. You can also light scented candles. Warm aromas like ginger, vanilla, cinnamon, or orange contribute to a relaxing atmosphere. Create a reading nook for yourself that is full of hygge comfort. But be careful, you may not want to leave.

When someone walks into a hygge home, they say “I love to live here.” A hygge designed home nourishes and supports you in life. It is your respite from the world. It is peaceful. It is zen. I mean the Danes are nominated the happiest people in the world year after year for a reason.

To bring it into your home, think earth element. Think cozy candles, lamps and fireplaces for warmth.  Remember that with this style less is always more. You want to focus on bringing in soft yin energy to soothe and comfort your body and mind. Layer fabrics with different textures and you simply must have a chunky knit blanket to keep warm.

A spa like feel to the bathroom is super hygge. Buy some bath sheets in white or oatmeal and pair it with natural sponges for a detoxing salt bath. You will want neutral colors and natural safe fabrics. Put a plant in the bathroom to bring life. Play binaural beats or any type of music that soothes your soul.

Self-care and self-love are not complicated. Quite the contrary, they are simply taking care of your needs on a basic level with plenty of love. Let the Danish people show you the way with these tips:

  1. Design a hygge bedroom with soft fabrics and add a chunky knit throw to cozy up with at the end of your day. (Remember the bedroom is the most important room for self- compassion.)
  2. Bring plants into your home to work with nature in a simple way.
  3. Take a salt bath, pour some moon charged water or essential oils into your bath to hold your intentions.
  4. Prepare your favorite sweet treat to nourish your body.
  5. Boil some water and have a hot cup of tea to forget the troubles of your day. (Lady Grey for me Please)
  6. Design a cozy reading nook to sneak away to when you need time to yourself.                                                  (This does not have to be large, it just needs to be your space.)
  7. Turn out the lights and burn some candles just for you darling.                                                                                 (Even better buy some candles with crystals in them .)
  8. Go offline and unplug from all devices.
  9. Create your own home facial mask or scrub to nourish your skin.
  10. Buy yourself a soft sweater or colorful winter scarf that feels cozy on your skin.

Until next time,